Sunday, December 9, 2012

Diabetes: Sweet Solutions through Yoga

Diabetes: Some solutions through yoga

Diabetes is the scourge of modern urban life in India. Dr. A Ramchandran, Managing Director of the M.V.Hospital for Diabetes, Chennai, says tongue-in-cheek, “You haven’t made it in society until you get a touch of diabetes.” It’s a reflection of a self- indulgent life of a growing Indian urban population . And the future looks ominous as India hurtles into modernizing, taking some 1.1 billion people closer to type 2 diabetes which is a disease of high blood sugar brought on by obesity, inactivity, pollution and stresses of a fast life. A 2006 study shows there are 35 million diabetics in India. Projections claim there will be 75 million in the next 20 years. This a disquieting thought. After all, diabetes is a debilitating illness which can affect the heart, lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, bone, nervous system, thyroid gland, eyes, skin. It can also induce depression.
All this may sound ominous and dark. This is where yoga offers a ray of hope. Diabetes is said to be incurable. However, sincere and regular practise of yoga can prevent onset of diabetes and also help in maintaining and controlling it. To be able to understand how yoga can help in diabetes one must understand the root causes of the disease.
Diabetes has been largely categorised into Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is supposed to be the result of genetic disorder in the immune system due to which it fails to recognise and tolerate tissues which belong to the body. Due to this the immune system attacks the pancreas and the insulin producing beta cells of the pancreas. When the pancreas cannot make this important hormone, the body cannot convert food into energy. This kind of diabetes is usually insulin dependent.
Type 2, which can be effectively managed through yoga is usually life-style induced.
A complete package of asanas, pranayama, yog nidra, and some cleansing kriyas has proven to be beneficial in controlling diabetes.
Shankhaprakshalana and Laghu shankhaprakshalana are both highly recommended for diabetics. However, both these kriyas must be performed under the guidance of a yoga guru and in right climatic conditions.
The following is a good package of asanas and pranayama for diabetes:

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